Thursday, March 19, 2009

Which way the wind blows

It's amazing what you can forget...

Kathy and the boys are good. Work is more consuming and worrisome that it should be. All the events in the world around sometimes crowd out what we should be thinking about, or appreciating. We were at a basketball game for Ian on Wednesday. Caleb and I were shooting hoops a bit while the youngun wasn't on court and things were relaxed. Ian went onto the court and we began watching and making small talk with another father. After a while he commented that Ian might have lost a little of the usual defensive mojo that he normally exhibited. And Mojo he normally has, with more energy than our little rat terrier going after a rodent, simply grabbing the ball out of his opponents hands. I commented that yeh, he seemed a little off his game, and wondered what was up.

After a bit more talk, Kathy leans over and whispers a reminder that yes, he should be off a bit, he just had chemo that afternoon. At first I felt some serious guilt that I was a horrible and neglectful father. I mean, what kind of father forgets about his son's day of chemo. After some time it was ok, and I really appreciated how things were going. Being able to forget, or at least put aside, some of the troubles of life is a blessing and a relief. Peace may come when you least expect it. Sometimes it comes in worship, sometimes at a basketball game. Who knew. I hope and pray that it can stay for awhile. And of course, I'll try not to forget these things from now on.

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