Sunday, April 19, 2009

Well, some time has passed since my last post, but that is not all bad. We have been to the mountains, done a little skiing and sledding, and had our first winning game on the diamond. We've also had our 18th week PET, CAT, and MRI scans, and things are good.

Ian's doctor had some stern warnings about helmets and sun screen, but the chemo schedule we are on seems to doing it's thing and there is no cancer to be found. We praise God in this, and life seems pretty normal, with the possible exception of the bi-weekly chemo. We will continue on this path for the foreseeable future, but with some comfort and peace.

This weekend here on the coast has been beautiful, with plenty of sun, and the temps have been up to a balmy 75 or 80, so we broke out the shorts and had a really nice time. Personally, I'm still a little concerned about the economy, my job, the family's health, and the downward spiral of capsaicin content in commercially available jalapeno, but we are surviving, and God is providing the Grace to go on.

Yall take care, and if you haven't already, drop me a note, or drop by for a visit.

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