Monday, March 2, 2009

Run on For a Long Time...

Just a short note here to let folks know that things are good. Ian's 12th weeks scans were negative, and we will be moving to a bi-weekly chemo, with a spinal taps on a 6 week schedule. So things are as good as they can be right now, and I am thankful. Next step will be PET, CAT, and MRI's after the next 6 weeks. It seems that without a set protocol, we'll be hanging on these periodic scans and tests, just to see if we are on the right track

If anyone is actually reading this, seeing us at church, school, baseball, or looking at some of the photos below, it is hard to see that there is an issue, and honestly, we are thrilled with that. He has tolerated this weekly chemo in a way that has not been seen before, and we continue with basketball, baseball, skiing and school, and generally being a 8 year old boy. It is pretty amazing when I actually take time to think about it.

You don't run a marathon as a sprint, and it seems we are on an ultra right now. Sometimes the route has us running ridges between clear mountain lakes, and other times times we're pulling our boots out of the mire. Right now we're taking our time, pacing ourselves, enjoying the view, and glad to be alive and in God's care.

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