Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Waiting is the Hardest Part, or Time is on my Side?

Here's a news flash for everyone: I love BBQ. Really good BBQ. Yes, I know most you would never have guessed, but it is true.

I smoked some pork butts yesterday, to go along with a few briskets from a good Texas brother for the gathering we were having at church for the big game. I got a late start, and didn't get the meat on till about 9am. We went on about the day, with basketball and a good ball throwing and hitting time with Caleb and Ian, and when it came time for dinner, I really wanted to exercise a little chef's perogative and sample the q. But it wasn't time, and I had to wait. That spicy, smoky, heavenly aroma infused the whole neighborhood, but no touching till at least 9pm. 225F cooked to internal temp of about 190F, normally about 12 - 13 hours for me. No exceptions. I had to wait, and wait I did.

Like in the rest of life, good things take time. From the classic 9 month wait, or waiting for that big buck to Really step out into the clear, or the time it takes to make good BBQ, there is not much you can do to rush a really good thing. You wait in peace, take advantage of the time, and believe your wait is not in vain. Even if you think you may explode.

Good Weekend. Good game. Good family, friends. Good BBQ

And God is The good. And in that we rest, we wait, and we live on.


  1. Awesome thoughts, Greybeard. God is good...all of the time!


  2. Thank you for this truth. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    - Christie
