Monday, January 26, 2009

Just another day...

Tomorrow should be a fairly normal day, Tuesday, January 26, 2008 and Ian and I will go in at 6am to Stanford for what should be a routine chemo and and intrathecal (spinal tap). This will be, we think, the 16th or 17th spinal tap he has had. Seems a little strange how routine we take it at times. Someone sticking a needle in your spine, removing a little of the required fluid, and injecting just the right amount of poison. But it is working, and God be praised.

It is day by day, folks, as if it has ever been otherwise. God grants us to the grace to go to work, school, the grocery store, church, the local music venue, shooting range, basketball practice, whatever... and I am thankful.

If story remains the same, he could even go back to school tomorrow, and I will likely go back to work after the procedure. Pretty weird, eh?

Caleb's hair is now officially longer than his mother's, and I think she has taken some offense at this fact. We shall now brace for the ensueing battle for some sort of haircut, and though I now sport a short 3-5 fade, I have a heart for the boy's fate.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cuz,

    Well you have definitly ventured me off into new territory. I have never blogged before, took me a little bit to figure it out but I'm here.
    It is so good to hear from you and great news to hear that Ian is responding well to treatments. I hope everything went well for him yesterday. I can't get over how much the boys have changed since I saw them last. Sounds like California life isn't too bad. Staying busy, keeping your mind occupied and your faith is the best thing. Give Kathy my love, I think about you guys all the time, and can't wait to see you again.
