Monday, May 25, 2009

Spread your arms and hold you breath and always trust your cape

This weekend was blur, but a good blur. We were blessed to experience something that Ian had last year when he, as 7 year old boy, went off by himself for a week long camp about 5 hours from home.

We spent the long weekend at Camp Okizu. This is a beautiful, Sierra mountain camp run for children, their siblings, and families that are experiencing, or have experienced cancer. Last year Ian spent a week with about 100 other children who were going through, or had gone through a similar experience. They were no longer the odd, child with cancer. They were among true peers.

We shared stories, cares, worries, and blessings with others who were in, or had been in the same boat. This weekend we were no longer the family who was dealing with childhood cancer. We were just a some of the folks there to have a good time and share experiences.

We paddled canoes on a mountain lake, shot arrows at imaginary deer and enemies, climbed trees, and spent what was too much time on the ropes course and zip line. Caleb made it across the 25' high cat walk and up to the 50' flag, and Ian spent his time doing spiderman and trying to do the superman on the zip line. And despite the mosquitoes, poison oak, and high pollen counts, we had a really great time. God be praised. It's time for some rest now before work. Take care.


  1. Scot - I am excited about your blog and your race.

  2. Thanks Sue, You and Mike are an inspiration to Kathy and I.
