Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Closer to Fine

Last post was Caleb at Camp Okizu, and this one is for Ian.

We saw Ian off on Monday, and will pick him up on Sunday. Since it was his second year, he was all jazzed to see his friends from last year, and couldn't really sleep the night before. To see the joy and expectation on the face of the young boy was a delight. We are thankful that he is able to go this year, and since things are looking good, we are not limiting his activities this year. The fact that his friends can come back this year is not taken for granted.

Going to a camp for kids with cancer is a tough thing. Every session has kids that won't be back this year, or next. The kids know this to some extent, but are still able to have a good time. To live, climb, swim, play, run, and whatever they are able to do, without the burden of loss.

May we live in the day and learn from our youngsters. God Bless

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